Developing a community research ethics framework for Lambeth

The Lambeth Community Research Network has been working with an academic consultant from King’s College London’s Inspiring Ethics group to develop an Ethics Review process for the network. In February and March 2024, we hosted workshops with community members – young people and migrant communities – exploring ethics in community-based research.

The workshops facilitated discussions about what ethical research should look, and how community members should feel when they take part in research projects. Across both workshops, community members identified several shared priorities.

Key shared prioritises identified by community members:

  • Research projects should respond to the concerns and priorities of communities in Lambeth.
  • Research projects should include a clear plan on how they can directly benefit Lambeth communities through social action and influencing.
  • Community members should be involved in research projects in a meaningful way, either as peer researchers, or through engaging and interactive methods.
  • Community members should always feel safe and comfortable when taking part in research.
  • Community members should feel included through accessible research processes, with researchers supporting community members and responding to their needs throughout the project.

Community members also highlighted practical ways that researchers can achieve the above. For example, community members require training to become effective peer researchers; researchers need to take time to build relationships and trust with the communities they seek to involve in their research; and community members need to be given the opportunity to provide ongoing feedback throughout their involvement in research. 

From the discussions, community members were supported to create questions they would ask researchers about their proposed research projects, such as: 

“How is this research relevant to us and our community?” 

“How do you plan to the use the research findings?” 

“How do you plan to update and stay in touch with us during and after the research?” 

Ethics workshop 3

The workshops and questions suggested by community members have fed directly into the development of the Lambeth Community Research Network’s Ethics Review process, including the application form for projects seeking ethical approval. This process will be managed by community organisations working directly with communities in Lambeth, with opportunities for community members to review potential research projects. The process and forms will be regularly updated through learning and future workshops with community members. 

“The workshop was very interesting. Thank you for caring about the community and what we think.” 

“The workshop was very interesting. Thank you for caring about the community and what we think.”